Children’s Songs for Therapy

We’ve Moved!

Looking for resources for Listen, Sing, Speak or Children’s Songs for Therapy?
Head over to and contact Rachel, here.

Comment (2)

  • Alison Watson

    Just got my copy….am looking forward to exploring your songs and members only area! Best wishes on continued sharing, therapeutic growth and music making 🙂

    • Alison, thank you!!
      I recipricate your thoughts on sharing, growth, and music-making – what an eloquent way to express what I believe is the trifecta of what it means to be a well-rounded music therapist!

      Thank you, again, for your support and I truly hope you get TONS of use out of the songbook!

      Ps. I just added some more songs and videos to the members section (36 audio files and 10 video files) :).

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