P is for

P is for



Peas in a Pod

UPDATE:  Ellie’s mother, Anna, kindly wrote a post about our music therapy sessions together (thank you, Anna!!).  If you’re interested in hearing a parent’s perspective, check out her site, here: http://www.ellietheurer.blogspot.com/2012/07/music-therapy-for-language-development.html



Please note that the parents of the mentioned clients gave me full permission to write this post and share pictures from our music therapy group time.

In my job, I have the absolute pleasure of working with truly wonderful people – all of various ages – from kids, to teens, to young adults, and older adults.  This post is dedicated to my very youngest clients, the “two peas in a pod”.


[pk_drop_caps type=”1″ color=””]I[/pk_drop_caps] start my very first session of the week (see the “9 – 10” time slot in my previous post) with two of the most adorable kids you’ve ever seen.  In this weekly, hour-long group session, the two friends come together (with their fabulous mothers) to play instruments, sing, play, and laugh.

While they do not share the same diagnosis; it doesn’t matter.  Kids don’t “see” disabilities in one another, or “judge”, or any of those terms that may come up later on, which is truly a beautiful thing to witness.  They just know that they love playing with one another – they share a true friendship – and because of this, great things happen.

They are just two peas in a pod having FUN!

I have separate goals and objectives for each child, but there are many cross-over goal areas, ranging from turn-taking, to communication (expressive and receptive), following directions, attention span, etc.

Seeing their progress on these goals increase from session to session in the past few months of music therapy has been a joy.  Their language has blossomed, they are comfortable and familiar with the structure of the session, and the parachute has become a true fan-favorite :).

Thank you, parents, for allowing me to work with your children.


