T is for

T is for

Ted Talks

Have you ever watched a Ted Talk?


No? You won’t regret it – check one out…now!

According to the website (ted.com):

TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world’s leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes.

These videos have the ability to create a true learning experience in sometimes as few as 3 minutes.  Renowned researchers all over the globe have participated in Ted Talks…allowing us, as music therapists, to continue our research and education with just a click of a button!

The list below are a few of my favorites:

[pk_button size=”medium” align=”left” color=”red” icon=”arrow” action=”link” link=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RE4ce4mexrU” link_target=”_blank” title=”” lightbox_gallery_id=””]The Birth of a Word[/pk_button] From ted.com: MIT researcher Deb Roy wanted to understand how his infant son learned language — so he wired up his house with videocameras to catch every moment (with exceptions) of his son’s life, then parsed 90,000 hours of home video to watch “gaaaa” slowly turn into “water.” Astonishing, data-rich research with deep implications for how we learn.

[pk_button size=”medium” align=”left” color=”red” icon=”arrow” action=”link” link=”http://youtu.be/UyyjU8fzEYU” link_target=”_blank” title=”” lightbox_gallery_id=””]Stroke of Insight[/pk_button] I mentioned this video on an earlier blog post in this series (“M”). From ted.com: Neuroanatomist Jill Bolte Taylor had an opportunity few brain scientists would wish for: One morning, she realized she was having a massive stroke. As it happened — as she felt her brain functions slip away one by one, speech, movement, understanding — she studied and remembered every moment. This is a powerful story about how our brains define us and connect us to the world and to one another.

[pk_button size=”medium” align=”left” color=”red” icon=”arrow” action=”link” link=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fn_9f5x0f1Q” link_target=”_blank” title=”” lightbox_gallery_id=””]Temple Grandin[/pk_button] From ted.com: Autism activist Temple Grandin talks about how her mind works — sharing her ability to “think in pictures,” which helps her solve problems that neurotypical brains might miss. She makes the case that the world needs people on the autism spectrum: visual thinkers, pattern thinkers, verbal thinkers, and all kinds of smart geeky kids.

[pk_button size=”medium” align=”left” color=”red” icon=”arrow” action=”link” link=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8FyHI00ELY” link_target=”_blank” title=”” lightbox_gallery_id=””]How I’m preparing to get Alzheimer’s[/pk_button] From ted.com: When faced with a parent suffering from Alzheimer’s, most of us respond with denial (“It won’t happen to me”) or extreme efforts at prevention. But global health expert and TED Fellow Alanna Shaikh sees it differently. She’s taking three concrete steps to prepare for the moment — should it arrive — when she herself gets Alzheimer’s disease.
