My *LOVE* list

My *LOVE* list

In honor of Valentine’s Day, I present to you the things I love in my life: both personally & music therapy-ly (yes, that word is made-up…)

 music therapy services of austin love list

1. Making up words.


2. My job.

This is a thought that runs through my mind AT LEAST once a day.  I’m literally shaking my head right now in disbelief that I could find such a perfect job: one that I am completely passionate about, one that I completely believe in, and one that I know I will want to have for the rest of my life.

3.  My family.

A.K.A. My biggest cheerleaders.  Being so far away from the midwest, I will be honest in saying that living in Austin has been a dream – minus the fact that I am living hundreds of miles from the people I love the most. Thank goodness for technology like FaceTime,  for old-school technology like mail, and for realizing that they are only a phone call away. AND, my parents are visiting in March, which always helps 🙂 family

4.  My dogs.

The most buddha-like creatures on this planet, Harper and Marley are my unconditionally-loving companions. I’m not ashamed to admit that I have been (ever since my first subscription to Dog Fancy in 6th grade), and will forever be, an avid dog lover.

5.  Fried Pickles.

And Raffi.

And Raffi talking about my love for fried pickles.

raffi, yo

6. Austin.

This is a great city for musicians, BBQ lovers, and dog fanatics (see #4). You should come visit. 🙂

7. Finding new instruments to use in sessions.


8. My laminator.

Sometimes it’s a love-hate relationship. But mostly love.

9. My favorite pair of jeans.

Confession time: one nice thing about having a private practice is the fact that I can wear the same clothes multiple times a week (and it’s not good to wash your jeans all of the time…right? right? Please say yes?). Meaning, my favorite pair of jeans *might* make a few appearances Sunday-Saturday.

10. Coffee.

My morning routine: wake up, brush teeth, attempt to put in my contacts (I’m blind enough that this creates a bit of a challenge and I’m just now realizing this might need to happen AFTER coffee), open my laptop and read my email while holding a hot cup of coffee. The perfect way to start the day.

11. WordPress.

I love me some website creatin’!

12. Ben Folds (in a non-creepy way, of course) and his devotion to music therapy advocacy.


13. YOU.

Thank you for your support, for reading this, for following me along in this music therapy journey whether you’re a friend, family member, client, parent, fellow music therapist, or someone who stumbled upon this site when looking up more information about music therapy.  Thank you and Happy Valentine’s Day!


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