The 5 Days of Winter

The 5 Days of Winter

Living in Texas has taught me that “winter” is short-lived.  Which makes the song I use in sessions, “The 5 Days of Winter”, quite appropriate!

As a secular option for a holiday song to use with your clients, “The 5 Days of Winter” (set to the tune of “The 12 Days of Christmas”) involves the client making choices as to what 5 different items they see, or that are necessary, or even just things that they like in the winter months days.

You could also use this as an opportunity to practice ADLs (Activity of Daily Living skills) to review what items of clothes are necessary when you go outside in cold weather (hat, gloves, boots, etc.).

Here is a shortened example of the song (video used with parent permission):

On the first day of winter, what did I see?  A jacket on me

On the 2nd day of winter, what did I see? Two snow boots

Three snowflakes

Four cups of cocoa

Five Fuzzy sweaters


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